Staying Healthy in the time of covid-19.

Staying Healthy in the time of covid-19.

In the face of uncertainty and disruption of schedules and routines, health practices which support optimal physical and mental well-being may become more challenging. We want to help support you through these times, while acknowledging that everyone is coping differently and not passing judgment on whatever mechanisms have initially felt right for you. We want to make sure that if/when…

How to reduce Anxiety Naturally

How to reduce Anxiety Naturally

There’s no question we’re in the midst of a worldwide anxiety epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 13 people globally suffer from anxiety. In the U.S. alone, nearly 40 million people experience an anxiety disorder in a given year. Of those 40 million, approximately two-thirds are women and 8% are children and teenagers. So it comes as…