
I’ve helped thousands of people make changes in their existing careers; find their passion and take their careers to the next level. My career coaching will help you discover what you really want, explore the options and take action.

  • In my work with clients as a professional coach and trainer

    I’ve rarely come up against someone who doesn’t think coaching can have a positive impact on a person and company. More often than not, I see people who are frustrated that their coaching efforts aren’t producing the results that they think it should.

  • “Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them learn rather than teaching them”.
  • At Yemisi Peters coaching school, coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. While there are many different models of coaching, here we are not considering the ‘coach as expert’ but, instead, the coach as a facilitator of learning.
  • There is a huge difference between teaching someone and helping them to learn. In coaching, fundamentally, the coach is helping the individual to improve their own performance: in other words, helping them to learn which is what we do here.
  • Good coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understands that they may need help to find the answer.
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